Sunday, June 30, 2019

Writing Prompt: A Tale of Magic and Spells

The world of fantasy and legend has always been filled with wizards and witches.  They toil away upon in their towers or around their cauldron's perfecting spells that to unleash their magic upon the world.  Their spells often involve incantations and the use of special magic ingredients.  For today's writing prompt, write us a short story that involves perfecting a --


Photo by Paolo Villa [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Writing Prompt: Unleash Your Beast

Almost everyone has a wild animal that they identify with and have an affinity for.  Are you enamored with wolves or warthogs?  Do you like alligators or armadillos?  Do you like deer or dolphins?  The possibilities are endless.  But, for today's writing prompt, create a short story that features a hero with powers or personality traits that are like your inspiration animal.  Your character can be a mere mortal or a superhero.  Just write us a tale of a person who is like -

an animal!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Writing Prompt: The Love Triangle

There's nothing more dangerous and, potentially even more deadly, than a love triangle.  As long as the world has spun on its axis, a man has loved a woman who has initially loved him but now loves another man--or--a woman loves a man who initially loved her but now loves another man--or--yet some other combination of all of the above.  It sure makes life complicated.  Even if love triangles don't end up with pistol, poisons, and paramours with rigor mortis, the fall out can wreck lives, damage children who grow up navigating a complicated family landscapes, and pay lawyers well.

For today's writing prompt, weave us a story that involves a -

love triangle

Graffiti Art in downtown Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Writing Prompt: A Mystical Place

Some places on our planet are simply filled with magic and mystery.  These places can be big like Stonehenge or Easter Island or the Mayan Pyramids or they can be as small as a grotto in a local cemetery or a labyrinth in a park.  For today's writing prompt, weave us a story that centers around-

a mystical place.

The Labyrinth of Rome....Rome, Georgia

Monday, June 3, 2019

Writing Prompt: UFO Encounter

In a spate of news stories that have been downplayed and drowned out by day-to-day politics, the U.S. Navy has released some extraordinary information about encounters between pilots and unidentified flying objects.  These UFOs have been sighted by multiple pilots using a variety of sensors.  Check out this story on CBS News.

For today's writing prompt,  write a tale of an encounter with 

an Unidentified Flying Object!

Writing Prompt: The Mystery Jet

Every once in awhile, we see a US Air Force 757 jet fly into the local Air Force Reserve Base here in a Atlanta.  It's optimized for fly...